
We should hold a referendum on the right to a home

Irish Times Opinion Piece - Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy - Friday 24th July. 

‘The Government gave a commitment to introduce rent certainty earlier this year – but nothing has happened while prices have continued to rise’

The need for a coherent national housing policy has never been greater as we attempt to grapple with the legacy of failure from the past three decades. During that period of greed and speculation homes came to be viewed as an economic driver rather than a basic right for our people.

The legacy of such failed policies is damning. It has left us with housing lists which are three times longer than 1993, with 90,000 families now seeking a home and 1,000 children without a roof over their head.

To be fair the Government has been trying to get to grips with the crisis. However, there are serious gaps in its approach, with unfulfilled commitments and building programmes that are taking too long to become reality. There is little comfort to those forced to live in hotel rooms with no cooking or play facilities, or, even worse, in cars or on the streets.

Full Article Here

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