
News & Events

A Grateful Life with Sr. Stan

Day & Date: Tuesday 14th, 21st and 28th January 2025 ONSITE EVENT

Time: 10.30am - 12pm

Duration: 3 weeks


To live with a grateful heart as a way of being in the world, without needing or expecting anything back, can change everything. It can change your life.

If each day we could perform a basic daily gratefulness practice, it would be enough to positively impact our lives and the world around us.

The hope of this course is that you will kindle a new awareness and appreciation for aspects of life you may normally take for granted, and reap the many joys and benefits of living gratefully.

This is a brand new course, created and developed by Sr. Stan. It provides a wonderful opportunity to start the year with an attitude of gratitude.

Suitable for beginners


Price: €65.00



Focus Ireland Launches Urgent Christmas Appeal

Focus Ireland launched a new campaign today which makes an urgent appeal for public donations to help fund the charity’s vital work tackling the growing homeless crisis with four weeks left to Christmas. This campaign is fronted by Sr. Stan, Life President and Founder of Focus Ireland

Unity Through Relationships Conference

Sr. Stan gave the closing address at this International conference uniting relational approaches to supporting children and families.

Sr. Stan speaks to Marty Whelan on Lyric FM

Sr. Stan speaks to Marty Whelan on Lyric FM about her new book Seasons of Hope.

Sr. Stan - Irish Independent Opinion Piece

In todays Irish Independent Sr. Stan discusses the budget and the current family homelessness crisis in Ireland

Seasons of Hope by Sr. Stan

Sr. Stan's latest book, Seasons of Hope is now available in bookstores and online. In this book, the follow up to her bestselling Day by Day, Sr. Stan offers words of wisdom to still the mind and calm the soul.

Containing Homeless Crisis - Irish Times

Sr. Stans response to “Containing homeless crisis”, Editorial, September 29th in The Irish Times

Sr. Stan wins Irish Independent Readers Poll - Irelands Greatest Woman

Sr. Stan received the No 1 Vote in the Irish Independents readers Poll for "Irelands Greatest Woman" on Saturday 20th September for her contribution to Irish Society.

Console - Suicide Prevention Conference 2014

The Console World Suicide Prevention Day Conference took place on September 10th at Croke Park, Dublin and is relevant to anyone with a general interest in suicide prevention or bereavement and those working in area of work. Conference speakers included Sr. Stan, who spoke about Mindfulness and Compassion.

President Higgins calls for more rental accommodation to deal with housing 'crisis'

President Michael D Higgins has described the current housing shortage problem as a crisis, stating there is a real and urgent need for more public rental accommodation to meet demand. He made his comments as he met homeless families at a Focus Ireland centre.

Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation with Sr. Stan

Commencing on Friday 5th September, a 3 week course, Introduction to Mindfulness/Meditation with Sr. Stan,

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© 2025 Sister Stanislaus Kennedy
  • The Sanctuary, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7, Ireland
  • Phone: +353 1 6705419
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