
Sr. Stan receives Fitzgerald Bible Bruff Award

(18 Jul 2017)

Sr Stan was presented with the 2017 Fitzgerald Bible Bruff Award at the Thomas Fitzgerald Centre in Co. Limerick on Sunday 16th July.

The award ceremony is organised by the Bruff Heritage Group and the award is given to a person who, through a particular act or service, makes a significant contribution to the country of Ireland. Committee chairman Paul Dennehy said “Sr Stanislaus Kennedy is a most deserving recipient … and we are delighted that she will be accepting the award.”

Speaking about her award, she said “I’m very honoured and humbled to receive the award and I accept it on behalf of all the people in the organisations I have founded, namely Focus Ireland, The Immigrant Council of Ireland, Young Social Innovators and the Sanctuary.The staff and volunteers are the people who do the work. I’m merely the instrument who started them.”

The Fitzgerald Family Bible Bruff Award was established in 2015 and promotes the link between Bruff and the Fitzgerald family bible.

When Thomas Fitzgerald, who was the grandfather of former US President, John F. Kennedy, left the east Limerick town in 1852, the only item he took with him was the family bible. Through generations, the bible was used by the family to record deaths, marriages and births.

It played an important role in the Fitzgerald family. When John F. Kennedy was being sworn in as the 35th President of the United States of America, he insisted on using it to swear the oath of office. The bible is now on exhibition in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston.



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