
News & Events

A Grateful Life with Sr. Stan

Day & Date: Tuesday 14th, 21st and 28th January 2025 ONSITE EVENT

Time: 10.30am - 12pm

Duration: 3 weeks


To live with a grateful heart as a way of being in the world, without needing or expecting anything back, can change everything. It can change your life.

If each day we could perform a basic daily gratefulness practice, it would be enough to positively impact our lives and the world around us.

The hope of this course is that you will kindle a new awareness and appreciation for aspects of life you may normally take for granted, and reap the many joys and benefits of living gratefully.

This is a brand new course, created and developed by Sr. Stan. It provides a wonderful opportunity to start the year with an attitude of gratitude.

Suitable for beginners


Price: €65.00



Sr. Stan interview with Ruairí McKiernan

Sr. Stan speaks to RuairĂ­ McKiernan, social innovator, campaigner and writer about her life and work.

the Sanctuarys 7th Annual Conference

The Sanctuary's 7th Annual Conference 'The Heart of Caring' will take place on Tuesday 10th May at Dublin Castle. The conference will be opened by Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, and keynote speaker is Sharon Salzberg, world renowned Mindfulness teacher and New York Times bestselling author.

Sr. Stan on Newstalks Breakfast Show

Sr. Stan speaks to Ivan Yates and Chris O'Donoghue on the Breakfast Show about Mindfulness and the upcoming Sanctuary Annual Conference "The Heart of Caring"

We must rediscover our humanitarian attitude

In today's Irish Examiner, Sr. Stan, founder of the Immigrant Council of Ireland speaks out about Irelands role in dealing with the refugee crisis in Europe and that Ireland must rediscover its humanitarian voice.

Investment in Society crucial to Ireland's future success

Opinion piece by Sr. Stan and Danny McCoy, Chief Executive, IBEC in today's Irish Times

Into the Light Book Launch

With an introduction by Sr. Stan and a talk from the artist Corina Duyn, "Into the Light" Artist Book-in-a-wooden-box was launched at the Sanctuary on Saturday 2nd April.

Youngballymun Launch Cherish All Children Campaign

Sr. Stan and Danny McCoy (IBEC) launch the YoungBallymun Cherish All Children Campaign.

Sr. Stan & Fr. Peter McVerry on the Ray Darcy Show

Sr. Stan and Fr. Peter McVerry interviewed by Ray Darcy on RTE Radio 1 about their work with homelessness.

BStill Daily Quotes now on Twitter

Delighted to bring the popular BStill Thought for the day to Twitter. For daily inspirational quotes please follow @srstansquotes

Sr. Stan on TV3's Sunday AM

Sr. Stan speaks to Ivan Yates and Anna Daly on TV3's Sunday AM about the homeless crisis.

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© 2025 Sister Stanislaus Kennedy
  • The Sanctuary, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7, Ireland
  • Phone: +353 1 6705419
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